
Twenty years of activities of the Relief Association of the Order of Malta in Serbia


Zrenjanin, October 20th 2013
The twentieth anniversary of the Relief Association of the Order of Malta in Serbia, was celebrated with a Holy Mass by the Bishop of Zrenjanin, His Eminence Bishop Ladislav Nemet.
A warm and grateful recognition was expressed, by all the present, to the Secretary General of the Association – the true soul and operating engine of the organization – Mrs. Stocker Hajnal Kecskemet.
To compliment her, and her collaborators, arrived from Germany, the Director of the Department “foreign aid” of  Malteser Hilfsdienst, Michael Lülsdorff, joined by the Order’s Ambassador to Serbia, Alberto di Luca, the Hospitaller of the Hungarian Order, Imre de Ugron, and the President of the Association in the City of Zrenjanin, Father Tibor Koncz.