Belgrade, September 20
The new premises of the Embassy of the Order of Malta were inaugurated and blessed by Cardinal Angelo Scola, Archbishop of Milan, and special envoy of Pope Francis to celebrate the 1700th Edict of Constantine. The Ambassador Alberto di Luca has welcomed the Cardinal accompanied by the Archbishop of Belgrade Mons. Hocevar:
I would like to thank, on behalf of the Order of Malta, of my co-workers, my wife and myself His Eminence Cardinal Angelo Scola, Archbishop of Milan, and His Excellency Monsignor Stanislav Hocevar, Archbishop of Belgrade, for the highest honor of their presence among us today and their inspirational prayers and good wishes in the new location of the diplomatic Chancellery of the Embassy.
It is a great privilege for me to serve as the Ambassador to the Sovereign Order, which celebrated this year 900 years since the recognition by Pope Paschal II in 1113. Recurrence also evoked in Belgrade with the exhibition held recently at the National Assembly.
To this awareness, joins together satisfaction and responsibility to be accredited in this country whose faith, history, tradition and culture are essential parts of the Christian soul of Europe and greatly enrich its identity, present and future.
I would also like to mention that the Order, always faithful to his “Polar Star” Tuitio fidei et obsequium pauperum, is present and at work with its multiple humanitarian, health, social and educational activities, throughout 140 countries on all continents, of which with 104 maintains full diplomatic relations.
To you your Eminence, Pastor of the Diocese of which I am a son – a pilgrim of peace and fraternity to celebrate the 1700th anniversary of the Edict of Milan, the work of the Emperor Constantine, son of this land, which with that momentous act revolutionized the path of humanity – I extend, on behalf of His Most Eminent Highness the Prince and Grand Master Fra’ Matthew Festing, and His Excellency The Grand Chancellor Jean Pierre Mazery, the devout homage and respectful gratitude of the Sovereign Order of Malta.
With these sentiments, Your Eminence, I call your paternal blessing on these premises, the headquarters of our daily work in the service of friendship and cooperation with Serbia, on our families and everyone here present spiritually united.
Thank you!
The Archbishop of Milan then blessed the new premises with these words:
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti
Pax Vobis
Et cum spiriti tuo
Ad Christum, fráteres carissimi, qui ex Virgine Maria nasci dignátus est et habitávit in nobis, fervens nostra dirgátur orátio ut sub hoc tectum intráre et hanc domum sua praeséntia benedicere dignétur.
Christus Dominus sit hic in medio vestri, caritátem fratérnam in vobis alat, gáudia partícipet, súblevet maeróres. Vos autem, Christi praecéptis et exémplis addúcti, id apprime curáte ut haec domus caritátis sit domicilium ad tuitiónem fidei et obséquium páuperum, unde nonus Christi odor longe latéque diffundátur.
Adésto, Dómine, fámulis tuid qui domum hanc hódie auspicántes, benedictiónem tuam súpplices exórant, ut in ea commmrántes te cómite laeténtur, ab ea exeúntes te cómite laeténtur, ad eam redeúntes te hóspite perfruántur donec mansiónem sibi parátam in domo Patris tui feliciter invéniant. Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculórum.
Pax Christi regnet in córdibus nostris verbum Christi hábitet in nobis abundánter, ut quodcúmque fácimus in verbo aut in ópere, ómnia in nómine Dómini faciámus. Et benedictio Dei omnipoténtis Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, descéndat super vos et máneat semper.