Belgrade, April 16
At the Archbishop’s residence – guests of Belgrade Archbishop, H.E. the Most Reverend Mons. Stanislav Hočevar – was held a Focus-group about Humanitarian Diplomacy, organized by the Embassy of the Sovereign Order of Malta intended at exchanging experiences and analyzing problems and prospects of this vast project field that coincides with the millenium old mission of the Order of Malta.
Some of the issues we covered are connected to the persistent bureaucratic difficulties in importing humanitarian aid, especially when it comes to large quantities of food or specialized medical equipment.
Ambassador Alberto di Luca has recalled some specific cases of aid and donations slowed down, or even blocked, due to complex and obsolete bureaucratic procedures. While addressing his friends – members of Serbian Parliament – Hon. Mr. Vladimir Djukanovic and Hon. Mr. Tomislav Žigmanov, Ambassador di Luca pointed out the significance and concrete goals of bilateral agreements between two countries signed exactly for the scope of simplifying previous procedures and introducing more agile, rapid and effective regulations.
Ambassador di Luca and Prof. Nenad Prokic, coordinator for humanitarian and welfare activities of our Embassy in Serbia, have wormly thanked the Ambassador Andrew Chang (from Taipei Representative Office in Budapest) for his appreciated presence. They renewed the heartfelt gratitude to him and his associates as well as to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan for giving generous support to the “Make a WISH” project which has been extended since 2015 in favour of young orphans, the sick and/or the disabled, in various parts of the country.
The meeting has been honoured by the presence of the Apostolic Nuncio of the Holy See, H.E. the Most Reverend Mons. Luciano Suriani accompanied by Mons. Filippo Colnago, and by Mr. Gavrilo Grban from the cooperation office between Churches and religious communities (at the Ministry of Justice).