
Another letter “Make a WISH”, another operation

Another letter “Make a WISH”, another operation
EPSON DSC picture

Nis, June 2017

At the beginning of June, we at the Embassy have received a letter of a mother who wrote about the difficult condition of her 7 year old son, Jovan S., who was  in need of the urgent surgery, Tonsillectomia and Adenoidectomia. According to the Evaluation Commission of the Embassy, it didn’t seem to be rare and diffucult medical surgery but, nevertheless, we wanted to analyze the case further.

Jovan S.

Jovan S.

Jovan S. was operated here on Wednesday, June 14th

Jovan S. was operated here on Wednesday, June 14th

It turned out that both parents are unemployed and without necessary means to provide for their son Jovan an urgent admission to a private hospital – for reasons of the specific disease pathology of the boy. In light of these facts, this WISH was considered to be in accordance with the humanitarian projects and activities of the Sovereign Order of Malta in Serbia, as well as in the 120 countries in which we are present. On Wednesday, June 14th, Jovan was operated in the General Hospital ’’Sava Surgery“ in Nis. The operation went well and it seems as if we can hear the thankful voice and words coming from Jovan.

In the picture above:  In the operating room of the Hospital “Sava Surgery” in Nis