Belgrade, May
This month Mr. Albert Bouffier has left his position of Secretary of the Embassy at the Belgrade’s Chancellery. After two years of active and valued commitment, for which the Ambassador di Luca expressed his deepest gratitude, Bouffier has relinquished his diplomatic assignment due to increased work and family commitments. To replace him, Mr. Luca Marzocco was called that has, for some time, been collaborating on the humanitarian and social activities promoted by the Embassy to the Republic of Serbia. The generous availability of the newly appointed Secretary of the Embassy has already revealed itself with the desire to fulfill the WISH / need (see on this website: “Make a WISH to the Sovereign Order of Malta”), expressed by the girls housed at the Izvor Center, to have an ambulance available to them. To Albert Bouffier, our gratitude and best wishes. To Luca Marzocco, our friendly welcome.